# bdgcmp ## Overview The `bdgcmp` command is part of the MACS3 suite of tools and is used to compare two bedGraph files in each basepair that are commonly covered by the two files. The typical use case is to calculate pvalue or qvalue using Poisson model for each basepair given a treatment pileup signal file in bedGraph format and a control lambda bedGraph file. But we provides more functions rather than pvalue and qvalue, including subtract, division (FE) and more. ## Detailed Description The `bdgcmp` command takes two input bedGraph files (e.g. a control and a treatment bedgraph) and produces an output bedGraph of comparison scores for each genomic position involved in the bedGraph files. The `bdgcmp` command normally is used to deduct noise from a signal track in bedGraph (e.g. ChIP treatment) over another signal track in bedGraph (e.g. control). Note: All regions on the same chromosome in the bedGraph file should be continuous so we recommand you use the bedGraph files from MACS3. We provide the following function to 'compare two tracks': - `ppois` Poisson p-value (-log10(pvalue) form) using the second file (-c) as lambda and treatment (-t) as observation - `qpoi`s The q-value through a BH process for poisson pvalues - `subtract` Subtraction from treatment - `FE` linear scale fold enrichment, or the score from file A divided by the score from file B - `logFE` log10 fold enrichment(need to set pseudocount) - `logLR` log10 likelihood between ChIP-enriched model and open chromatin model (need to set pseudocount) - `slogLR` symmetric log10 likelihood between two ChIP-enrichment models using Poison distribution, and this can be used to compare ChIP signals from two differen conditions (differential binding) - `max` Maximum value between the two tracks. ## Command Line Options Here is a brief description of the command line options for `bdgcmp` : - `-t` or `--tfile`: Treatment bedGraph file, e.g. *_treat_pileup.bdg from MACS. REQUIRED - `-c` or `--cfile`: Control bedGraph file, e.g. *_control_lambda.bdg from MACS. REQUIRED - `-S` or `--scaling-factor`: Scaling factor for treatment and control track. Keep it as 1.0 or default in most cases. Set it ONLY while you have SPMR output from MACS3 callpeak, and plan to calculate scores as MACS3 callpeak module. If you want to simulate 'callpeak' w/o '--to-large', calculate effective smaller sample size after filtering redundant reads in million (e.g., put 31.415926 if effective reads are 31,415,926) and input it for '-S'; for 'callpeak --to-large', calculate effective reads in a larger sample. DEFAULT: 1.0 - `-p` or `--pseudocount`: The pseudocount used for calculating logLR, logFE or FE. The count will be applied after normalization of sequencing depth. DEFAULT: 0.0, no pseudocount is applied. - `-m` or `--method`: Method to use while calculating a score in any bin by comparing the treatment value and control value. Available choices are: `ppois`, `qpois`, `subtract`, `logFE`,` logLR`, `slogLR`, and `max`. They represent Poisson P-value (-log10(pvalue) form) using control as lambda and treatment as observation, q-value through a BH process for Poisson p-values, subtraction from treatment, linear scale fold enrichment, log10 fold enrichment (need to set pseudocount), log10 likelihood between ChIP-enriched model and open chromatin model (need to set pseudocount), symmetric log10 likelihood between two ChIP-enrichment models, or the maximum value between the two tracks. The default option is ppois. - `--verbose`: Set the verbose level of runtime messages. 0: only show critical messages, 1: show additional warning messages, 2: show process information, 3: show debug messages. DEFAULT: 2 - `--outdir`: If specified, all output files will be written to that directory. Default: the current working directory - `--o-prefix`: The PREFIX of the output bedGraph file to write scores. If it is given as A, and the method is 'ppois', the output file will be A_ppois.bdg. Mutually exclusive with -o/--ofile. - `-o` or `--ofile`: Output filename. Mutually exclusive with --o-prefix. The number and the order of arguments for --ofile must be the same as for -m. ## Example Usage Here is an example of how to use the `bdgcmp` command: ```bash macs3 bdgcmp -t treatment.bedGraph -c control.bedGraph -m ppois -p 1.0 -S 1.0 -o output.bedGraph ``` In this example, the program will compare the `treatment.bedGraph` file and the `control.bedGraph` file and write the result to `output.bedGraph`. The method used for comparison is `ppois`, the pseudo-count is set to 1.0, and the scaling factor is set to 1.0.