# bdgopt ## Overview The `bdgopt` command is part of the MACS3 suite of tools and is used to modify a single bedGraph file. It provides various operations to modify the value in the fourth column of the bedGraph file -- the score column. ## Detailed Description The `bdgopt` command takes an input bedGraph file and produces an output file with modified scores. It uses various methods to modify the scores in the bedGraph files, greatly improving the flexibility of your data for further analysis. Operations on score column of bedGraph file include multiplication, addition, maximization with a given value, minimization with a given value, and pvalue-to-qvalue conversion (-log10 form). Note: All regions on the same chromosome in the bedGraph file should be continuous. We recommend to use the bedGraph files from MACS3. ## Command Line Options Here is a brief overview of the commandline options: - `-i` or `--ifile`: A bedGraph file containing scores. Note: this must be a bedGraph file covering the ENTIRE genome. REQUIRED - `-m` or `--method`: Method to modify the score column of the bedGraph file. Available choices are: multiply, add, max, min, or p2q. - `multiply`: The EXTRAPARAM is required and will be multiplied to the score column. If you intend to divide the score column by X, use the value of 1/X as EXTRAPARAM. - `add`: The EXTRAPARAM is required and will be added to the score column. If you intend to subtract the score column by X, use the value of -X as EXTRAPARAM. - `max`: The EXTRAPARAM is required and will take the maximum value between the score and the EXTRAPARAM. - `min`: The EXTRAPARAM is required and will take the minimum value between the score and the EXTRAPARAM. - `p2q`: This will convert p-value scores to q-value scores using the Benjamini-Hochberg process. The EXTRAPARAM is not required. This method assumes the scores are -log10 p-value from MACS3. Any other types of scores will cause unexpected errors. - `-p` or `--extra-param`: The extra parameter for METHOD. Check the detail of the -m option. - `--outdir`: If specified, all output files will be written to that directory. Default: the current working directory - `-o` or `--ofile`: Output BEDGraph filename. - `--verbose`: Set the verbose level of runtime messages. 0: only show critical messages, 1: show additional warning messages, 2: show process information, 3: show debug messages. DEFAULT: 2 ## Example Usage Here is an example of how to use the `bdgopt` command: ```bash macs3 bdgopt -i input.bedGraph -o output.bedGraph --method multiply --extraparam 2.0 ``` In this example, the program will modify the scores in the `input.bedGraph` file and write the result to `output.bedGraph`. The method used for modification is `multiply`, and the extra parameter is set to 2.0, meaning that all scores will be multiplied by 2.0. Some use cases for `bdgopt`: 1. If you plan to scale up or down the scores in the bedGraph file, you can use `-m multiply` with a larger than 1 (>1) EXTRAPARAM in `-p` to scale up, or a positive value smaller than 1 (>0 and <1) EXTRAPARAM in `-p` to scale up; or `-m add` with a positive value in `-p` to increase the scores by a fixed amount or a negative value to decrease the scores. 2. If you want to cap the score in the bedGraph, you can use `-m max` with the upper limit score you want to use in `-p`. If you want to set the minimum score in the bedGraph, for example to set the whole genome background signal in the MACS control lambda track, you can use `-m min` with the value in `-p`.