# bdgpeakcall ## Overview The `bdgpeakcall` command is part of the MACS3 suite of tools and is used to call peaks from a single bedGraph track for scores. ## Detailed Description The `bdgpeakcall` command takes an input bedGraph file, a cutoff value, and the options to control peak width, then produces an output file with peaks called. This tool can be used as a generic peak caller that can be applied to any scoring system in a BedGraph file, no matter the score is the pileup, the p-value, or the fold change -- or any other measurement to decide the 'significancy' of the genomic loci. Note: All regions on the same chromosome in the bedGraph file should be continuous. ## Command Line Options Here is a brief overview of the command line options for `bdgpeakcall`: - `-i` or `--ifile`: MACS score, or any numerical measurement score in bedGraph. The only assumption on the score is that higher the score is, more significant the genomic loci is. REQUIRED - `-c` or `--cutoff`: Cutoff depends on which method you used for the score track. If the file contains -log10(p-value) scores from MACS3, score 5 means pvalue 1e-5. Regions with signals lower than the cutoff will not be considered as enriched regions. DEFAULT: 5 - `-l` or `--min-length`: Minimum length of peak, better to set it as d value if we will deal with MACS3 generated scores. DEFAULT: 200 - `-g` or `--max-gap`: Maximum gap between significant points in a peak, better to set it as the tag size if we will deal with MACS3 generated scores. DEFAULT: 30 - `--cutoff-analysis`: While set, bdgpeakcall will analyze the number or total length of peaks that can be called by different cutoff then output a summary table to help the user decide a better cutoff. Note, minlen and maxgap may affect the results. Also, if this option is on, `bdgpeakcall` will analyze the outcome of different cutoff values and then quit without calling any peaks. DEFAULT: False - `--no-trackline`: Tells MACS not to include a trackline with bedGraph files. The trackline is used by UCSC for the options for display. - `--verbose`: Set the verbose level of runtime messages. 0: only show critical messages, 1: show additional warning messages, 2: show process information, 3: show debug messages. DEFAULT: 2 - `--outdir`: If specified, all output files will be written to that directory. Default: the current working directory - `-o` or `--ofile`: Output file name. Mutually exclusive with `--o-prefix`. - `--o-prefix`: Output file prefix. Mutually exclusive with `-o/--ofile`. ## Example Usage Here is an example of how to use the `bdgpeakcall` command: ```bash macs3 bdgpeakcall -i input.bedGraph -o output.narrowPeak --cutoff 1.0 --minlen 500 --maxgap 1000 ``` In this example, the program will call peaks from the `input.bedGraph` file and write the result to `output.narrowPeak`. The cutoff for calling peaks is set to 1.0, the minimum length of peaks is set to 500, and the maximum gap between peaks is set to 1000. ## Cutoff Analysis The cutoff analysis function is provided by `--cutoff-analysis` option in `callpeak`, `bdgpeakcall`, and `hmmratac`. However, the function is `bdgpeakcall` is more flexible and can be applied on any scoring scheme. We will separate this function into a dedicated subcommand in the future. Please note that if this `--cutoff-anlaysis` option is on, the `bdgpeakcall` won't write any results of the peaks into narrowPeak format file, ignoring `-c` you specified. Instead, it will write a cutoff analysis report (`-o`) and quit. When the option is on, we will first calculate the window of step for increasing the cutoff from the lowest (`min_v`) to the highest (`max_v`), using the `--cutoff-analysis-steps`: `win_step = (max_v-min_v)/steps`. Then for each cutoff we plan to investigate, we will check the number of peaks that can be called, their average peak length, and their total length. The smallest cutoff (close to `min_v`) and any cutoff that can't lead to any peak will be excluded in the final report. The report consists of four columns: 1. score: the possible fold change cutoff value. 2. npeaks: the number of peaks under this cutoff. 3. lpeaks: the total length of all peaks. 4. avelpeak: the average length of peaks. While there's no universal rule to suggest the best cutoff, here are a few suggestions: - You can use elbow analysis to find the cutoff that dramatically change the trend of npeaks, lpeaks, or avelpeak. But you need to think about how to define 'dramatical change'. - You can use some common expectation to decide the cutoff. For example, the number of peaks should be thousands/ or the avelpeak should be around 500bps. Of course, it's arbitrary but the table will give you some insight.