Operations on score column of bedGraph file. Note: All regions on the same chromosome in the bedGraph file should be continuous so only bedGraph files from MACS3 are accpetable.

  method = c("multiply", "add", "p2q", "max", "min"),
  extraparam = numeric(),
  outputfile = character(),
  outdir = ".",
  log = TRUE,
  verbose = 2L



MACS score in bedGraph. Note: this must be a bedGraph file covering the ENTIRE genome. REQUIRED


Method to modify the score column of bedGraph file. Available choices are: multiply, add, max, min, or p2q. 1) multiply, the EXTRAPARAM is required and will be multiplied to the score column. If you intend to divide the score column by X, use value of 1/X as EXTRAPARAM. 2) add, the EXTRAPARAM is required and will be added to the score column. If you intend to subtract the score column by X, use value of -X as EXTRAPARAM. 3) max, the EXTRAPARAM is required and will take the maximum value between score and the EXTRAPARAM. 4) min, the EXTRAPARAM is required and will take the minimum value between score and the EXTRAPARAM. 5) p2q, this will convert p-value scores to q-value scores using Benjamini-Hochberg process. The EXTRAPARAM is not required. This method assumes the scores are -log10 p-value from MACS3. Any other types of score will cause unexpected errors. Default="p2q"


The extra parameter for METHOD. Check the detail of -m option.


Output BEDGraph filename. Required.


The output directory.


Whether to capture logs.


Set verbose level of runtime message. 0: only show critical message, 1: show additional warning message, 2: show process information, 3: show debug messages. DEFAULT:2


macsList object.


eh <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
CHIP <- eh[["EH4558"]]
#> see ?MACSdata and browseVignettes('MACSdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache
CTRL <- eh[["EH4563"]]
#> see ?MACSdata and browseVignettes('MACSdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache
c1 <- callpeak(CHIP, CTRL, gsize = 5.2e7, cutoff_analysis = TRUE,
               outdir = tempdir(), name = "callpeak_narrow0",
               store_bdg = TRUE)
cfile <- grep("treat_pileup.bdg", c1$outputs, value = TRUE)
bdgopt(cfile, method = "min", extraparam = 10,
       outdir = tempdir(), outputfile = "bdgopt_min.bdg")
#> macsList class
#> $outputs:
#>  /tmp/RtmpkYWDbh/bdgopt_min.bdg 
#> $arguments: ifile, method, extraparam, outputfile, outdir 
#> $log: